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[PSX]⋙ Read Gratis Woman on the Edge of Time Marge Piercy 9780449210826 Books

Woman on the Edge of Time Marge Piercy 9780449210826 Books

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Woman on the Edge of Time Marge Piercy 9780449210826 Books

I was surprised that this book has been around for so long. But it is an interesting look at possible futures. It is one of the only books where I quickly adapted to the lack of gender pronouns - it is usually very disruptive to my reading. The story was often not a happy one, but despite the fantasy element, it seemed all too plausible.

I have some limited experience with the mental health care system - and I sadly found that much of the description of that system still rings true. How quick we are to judge and diminish others. At times I was quite angry: for example, at one point a patient is restrained in the bed and her pleas to use the bathroom are ignored, but later the orderly says "they just pee all over themselves and they don't even care."

I do recommend this book. It is an interesting story, and makes a number of points. It doesn't bang you too hard on the head to make them, either.

Read Woman on the Edge of Time Marge Piercy 9780449210826 Books

Tags : Woman on the Edge of Time [Marge Piercy] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Hailed as a classic of speculative fiction, Marge Piercy’s landmark novel is a transformative vision of two futures—and what it takes to will one or the other into reality. Harrowing and prescient,Marge Piercy,Woman on the Edge of Time,Fawcett,0449210820,Contemporary Women,Literary,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction Contemporary Women,Fiction Literary,Fiction Psychological,Fiction Sagas,Science fiction

Woman on the Edge of Time Marge Piercy 9780449210826 Books Reviews

This is one of my all time favorite books. I purchase extra copies to give away as gifts. I struggle to talk about the content without giving away key pieces that can ruin the experience. Please read. All of Piercy's works are worth the time. This one especially.
Slow start but once she grabs you, you are in for a hell of a ride. I totally reccomend this book.
Great social examination, as applicable today as when written. Ending kind of weak, but otherwise excellent. Very visionary.
Surprisingly plausible extrapolation of technology.
A dark and difficult story that I’m still processing years later. I came away with a profound sense of personal good fortune and a desire to simply SEE AND ACKNOWLEDGE invisible people. The future Connie experienced is such a contrast to the abuses perpetrated on a repeatedly broken human who continues to hope.
I tried several times, each time starting afresh, to get my head around the characters and the story, but I just couldn't get into the book. The tone is flat and the caricature style irritating. The introduction to this (2016) edition, written by Pierce, seems somewhat of a vain justification of her work.
WOTEOT took me a while to read mostly because the book wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be. Like most sci-fi it was a story about how we treat each other, and the futures that can manifest. I was thinking we were going into time travel, which we did a bit but...more, the story sight to help readers better understand how what we do now creates what comes next.
I first read this book shortly after it was published and just finished re-reading it. I never forgot it and was curious as to how well it held up after all these decades. Still an excellent, absorbing read. I was struck by Piercy's vivid depiction of the rough justice doled out to poor people of color--an issue clearly still very much with us. The author was eerily prescient in anticipating progressive trends that have come to the fore in recent decades, including sustainability, locavore, low-on-the-food-chain eating, intelligent energy use, even the rising interest in 'tiny houses' and small intentional communities. Perhaps even more remarkable and somewhat chilling are her evocations of less positive trends such as 24/7 in-home access to violent and degrading 'entertainment' and the wrist-worn 'kenners' on which people are so dependent that they literally cannot function without them--smartphones, anyone? I was intrigued to discover that even the utopian future that Connie visits is far from perfect--her new friends have enlightened values but are still struggling with dark aspects of human nature. I had remembered it much more rosily and appreciated anew the complexity of the society she evoked. I was saddened and shocked by the book's ending; I had also remembered that completely differently--that Connie somehow is able to join Luciente and her other friends in Massapoiset for good at the last minute. I am still struggling with whether it was all 'real' (within the speculative fiction universe, of course) or a portrait of a rich mind in extreme duress--or if the whole elaborate, multifaceted story is really, as some readers have suggested, meant to be read as a metaphor for the issues facing humanity. In any event, it continues to haunt me and provides rich food for thought. Ms. Piercy, you are an amazing writer--would you consider a sequel?
I was surprised that this book has been around for so long. But it is an interesting look at possible futures. It is one of the only books where I quickly adapted to the lack of gender pronouns - it is usually very disruptive to my reading. The story was often not a happy one, but despite the fantasy element, it seemed all too plausible.

I have some limited experience with the mental health care system - and I sadly found that much of the description of that system still rings true. How quick we are to judge and diminish others. At times I was quite angry for example, at one point a patient is restrained in the bed and her pleas to use the bathroom are ignored, but later the orderly says "they just pee all over themselves and they don't even care."

I do recommend this book. It is an interesting story, and makes a number of points. It doesn't bang you too hard on the head to make them, either.
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